the end of a year

Acres and acres of snow soft as cotton, the winter air rises and falls like an orchestra. I can hear the gardener and spring bird in me singing to the hills with the hope they'll soon turn to green places where flowers can grow. I am impatient in my wait for the days where sunshine pours through the unhatched window and leads me like a hand into the garden. For today, I let the tiny fire of a shared bed with my loved one keep me warm. 

The next time I write to you, the year will have changed and every last one of us will be clinging to reasons why we must become better people in the new year. Whether it's less wine, more walking, less jelly rolls, more jumping jacks, less pouting, more poetry we spend our whole lives asking for our life to be different than what it was the day before. The truth is, being alive in a world where we can bend our toes while reading the thoughts of a stranger is a pretty stunning occasion. 

Here's to the passing hour and the delight of being where we are and who we are in this very moment! Let us splash in the symphony that is life today and tomorrow! Goodbye December, goodbye 2015, hello January, hello 2016. May we all be treated well in the coming year.

 outfit details: Peacock Boutique Consignment winter coat, Value Village boots, Beret a gift from my dad


  1. Tara T31.12.15

    Happy New Year, Amy.

    I am looking forward to your thoughts throughout the coming year. May you feel joy knowing how much your words mean to me. Love.

  2. How lovely you look!

    Katie |

  3. Read my lifestyle advice column (link) to become an even better (and maybe even quirkier) person ;) Happy new year 2016!

  4. Happy 2016! I look forward to another year filled with your photos and writing ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  5. That coat is the most beautiful thing I have seen this year! (heheheh get it?)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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