a year of outfits

[A post featuring my favorite outfits from 2014. 
Click the title to be taken to the original blog post.]


 A year of outfits, poems, story-telling and splashing paint on this thing called life.
Let us all travel through our lives knowing that within each day, there is a new year.
2015, I'll try my best to grow poems and laughter out of you.

Have a beautiful and merry everyday my friends!
I love you so!


  1. So many cool outfits, I can't even pick a favourite!

  2. Anonymous31.12.14

    I can't wait to see your posts and inspiration in 2015. :) Happy New Year!!!

  3. Oh, I love all of your outfits! The photos are amazing, too ♥
    Happy New Years!
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  4. I love them all I need them all! Ohhh my goodness, can I please come and live in your wardrobe? I promise I'll be tidy, you won't even know I'm there!
    x Erin
    The Halfway Point

  5. Love all of your outfits Amy, you always have the most gorgeous and dreamy style! I really hope you have a wonderful 2015<3
    Emma xo // Wallflower Wardrobe

  6. Anonymous1.1.15

    Your style is absolutely gorgeous and unique. I'm in love.

  7. Amy, you are the loveliest ♥

  8. The photography on your blog is so beautiful. I love that forrest green maxi skirt :) happy new year!

  9. The hats, the hats. I love your hats.

    Dotty ∞

  10. Guh, you are so absolutely gorgeous I want to cry <3

  11. Happy New Year, Amy! I love all of these; I only recently found your blog, but I'm so in love! You have such a gorgeous sense of style, and a wonderful way with words. Looking forward to seeing everything you do in 2015!

  12. Great series of photos, beautiful outfits. Happy New Year and warm greetings from Montreal. :)

  13. I absolutely adore the Bark and Blossom outfit!

    Little Gold Pocket Watch

  14. you are one of my very favorite people.
    may your 2015 be wonderful.

  15. These are great looks, and I especially love the first one! xx happy new year to you!

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