& another circle around the sun,

Each hour, a clock twists, and hands are in the habit of making circles.  One day, you're awoken by  flower bunches, and the next day, snow pebbles are glistening your boots.  The seasons quickly do change. The Dark earth spins, and suddenly, the clock howls the new hour.  Moons take on different shapes, sun beams take on different discos.  All of our mornings bring buds, blossoms, breezes, or drifting leaves. I remember the arrival of 2011. I remember dancing beside my Father - whistling to a tune.  The night had been spent on the dance floor, drinking champagne, and counting my blessings. I remember going to sleep, and drifting into a New Year.
Eventually, I awoke, and here I am now.

2011 has been a year of newborn friends, newborn hobbies, and unfolding of the inner Amy. This was the year of transformation -  I started the year as a baby, only eighteen, with a passport and nowhere to go, but the taverns, the musical halls, the bar rooms, and the wine cellars. 2011 was a year to experience the natural progression of youth.  I once was only a child, and the world was a window. I wanted to sleep on sailboats, and watch the world turn, without ever changing myself.  I was terrified of growing up, of becoming an adult with no thirst for imagination- as if my year on earth as an eighteen year old would be the death of my childhood. I knew I'd grow wiser, and less tolerant of the fickle.  But I thought I'd grow meaner with no sense of fun. This year, I learned that wisdom is not youth's foe.  One can be wise, without losing their childish wishes.

2011 was also a musical spin around the sun - every month, there were music-maker gatherings, banjo tunings, and concerts of my favorite artists. 2011 was the year I found my voice.

Favorite concerts I went to
The Tallest Man On Earth
The Felice Brothers
The Deep Dark Woods
Justin Townes Earle
Morgan O'Kane 
Blind Pilot
Jack Marks
Timber Timbre

To throw a bouquet into the New year -  I strung together outfit images of every season. It's been a wide-eyed wonder- kind of year.  Thank you for all being a part of it.  May all of our 2012's be built by happy dwellings, and honey pails.

Favorite Songs of 2011
Clay Pigeons by Blaze Foley
Sweetheart I Aint Your Christ by Josh T Pearson
Got What I Need by The Felice Brothers
The Stranger Song by Leonard Cohen
Two Time Loser by The Deep Dark Woods
Falling Down Blues by Ramblin Jack Elliot
Pretty Fair Maid Down In The Garden by Mandolin Orange
Love Is All by The Tallest Man On Earth
Hold Your Fire by Morgan O'kane

Poetry to carry me through 2012
And our problems will crumble apart, the soul / blow through like a wind, and here where we live
will all be clean again, with fresh bread on the table.
  (—— Pablo Neruda)
❝In my heart was a desire to live more dangerously. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if i could only have change- change and the excitement of the unforeseen.❞
(—— W. Somerset Maugham)
They have worries, they're counting the miles, they're thinking about where to sleep tonight, how much money for gas, the weather, how they'll get there - and all the time they'll get there anyway, you see.
(― Jack Kerouac)

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  1. Anonymous28.12.11

    Your so beautiful
    I really like all of your outfits and the music taste is superb

  2. Your style and beauty are so inspiring. It is just amazing how you are so young and so talented. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo Happy New Year!

  3. you are the most inspiring thing, Amy.

    Oh, and I love Pablo Neruda. Especially his poem, "lost in the forest".

  4. you really have the greatest shoes ;) and I love your style of writing, so inspiring!

  5. Jealous you got to see Tallest Man on Earth!

  6. All of your looks are so uniquely you and gorgeous! Thanks for sharing so many songs, I can't wait to check them out!

  7. Anonymous28.12.11

    Very lovely reflection post! I loved seeing your outfits and hearing what music you listen to :)

    Mabel Time

  8. that lacy spring dress looks so beautiful on you.

  9. oh what a year it was, for growth, reflection, savored treasure, & retrospection. share on!

  10. Every single one of your outfits is so impeccably beautiful it's unreal.

  11. all your outfits were beautiful! and such good music! cheers to 2011


  12. Anonymous29.12.11

    i love posts like this
    words, fashion, and music.

  13. you have great style, love all the outfits

  14. Lovely looks in differents seasons!


  15. Hello My Beautiful Amy,

    Hope Christmas has been wonderful for you, and blessed with many gifts. ♥

    I am loving every single one of your outfits, you are such a style maven and a gorgeous one at that. :)

    The Cat Hag

  16. You're awesome! I hope you have a very happy New Year and that next year brings pleasant surprises and lots of fun!

  17. I love each one of your looks. So fashionable! :)

    Destination Moi

  18. Oh my, you went to amazing concerts this year!

    Beautiful outfits too ;)

  19. You've only wore amazing outfits!!

  20. I love your looks!

  21. so many lovely looks :)

    happy new year!

  22. Your sense of style is like delicate flower embracing her beauty amongst others! Gorgeous, sweetheart, it's a pleasure to know you even if only through the blog-world.
    Good luck!


  23. omg, your blog is so cute and all your styles are stunning! Following you dear. Would be a pleasure if you could follow mine as well <3


  24. hey there! thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving me such a sweet comment! i am so glad you found me, you are really cute and have a great style! and i love this post with some of your previous outfits of the year! i am following you now :)

  25. thank you for commenting on my blog!
    I really love your style!

  26. lovely post :)
    so glad I found yours

    your newest follower Michelle

  27. Such a lovely post. You look beautiful in your fashion shots x

  28. You're so beautiful. And have a wonderful taste in music. Love these outfits - Especially love the furry boots and the second summer shot x

  29. Anonymous30.12.11

    You are way too lovely, darling. I am curious, you are more like an introvert or extrovert in your real life? Are you a happy person overall?

    Happy New Year!

  30. amy you are an awesome gir, i am surprised that you are not a model yet. I love this post and im so honored that you visit my blog =)

    m a follower now

    i have a new post


  31. Anonymous30.12.11

    Thank you for the comment on my blog love! :) You look absolutely lovely in all those pictures. Definitely a new follower of your amazing blog :) Happy New year! oh! and "One can be wise, without losing their childish wishes." I love this phrase. absolutely lovely.


  32. ah a year of beautiful style and inspiring writing. i hope your 2012 is filled with tons of happiness and inspiration :)

  33. Your style is truly inspiring!

  34. Love all of your outfits! You have such incredible style.
    Hope you had a lovely New Year!

  35. your style is pretty awesome:)!

  36. Beautiful words! I'm new to your blog so I really appreciated this recap- you have really great style. All the best for 2012!

  37. Oh my goodness, you are going to become one of those bloggers that inspires me to write more beautifully. Because seriously, what I just read was breathtaking. I am quite envious of your talents. I have been trying to improve though! I need to become better soon so I can really start working on the zombie romance novel I have wanted to write for a while now. I adore your outfits sorted by season. You have such gorgeous style! I hope you enjoy this new year very much!


  38. So many great outfits!



  39. Your fall and winter outfits are really original :) ! Like that

  40. You have impeccable style in all seasons!

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