milk white gown. hm event.

Dear swinging trees, and sugar fawns bowing their heads.
The week has dressed itself in rose petals.  I have been busy as the blue bird, building a nestling for her baby chicks.   But I haven't been building. Just following trails of fashion events, playing student, wandering everywhere, and munching on oats.  
Before Thursday's rise, the sun was legless. The warmth of the land was unsheltered. And I was brimming with happiness.  I spent sun lit mornings, escaping through poetry, and found that my poems were etched in summer's solace.  That is, until, the sun wore boots, and walked away. Uninvited, the rain clouds formed, and fooled our bosoms with snow.   It's a melancholic atmosphere, when the weather makes trickery.   My feet are begging to be bare. My legs are displeased by tights. I want to scrunch my nose, squint my eyes, and watch the tree blossom.

For now, I'll make home inside of my head. And pretend the weather knows me better.. 

I am thankful I took pictures when the sky was pleasant. When the Sunbeam sugar dripped itself onto me. The day, true summer arrives, I will be missing.  You will find me beneath the apple tree, strumming heart strings, and making friends with the pearly wood nymph.  I will not carve myself by walls.  When my head bends, it'll bend by moss. My skin will glow, and give birth to tawny hues.  I will fall upon bed by midnight, after sipping strawberry juice, and I'll spend moonlight, dreaming of the next day's forest.

As I'm writing to you, the sun poked its head through my frame, and a red bird perched himself and sang me a melody. If the red bird can't bring the sun to melt the snow, then nothing can.  

if the sun~ wore legs~ that grew tired of walking~ then wintry~ witching~ would never come~ stalking
I kiss~ the soft air~ along~ your sugar teeth~ like pollen,~ I fall for you~ every time*  

Now, for the gown made of charm, and the marshmallow hue. This gown belongs to my Ma.  It's the dress she wore for her graduation.  Since I was a seedling, I fell for the drapery, and the sweet falling shoulder. The dress sat lonesome in her closet for years.  It was calling my body.  craving to be worn.

As I'm wearing this dress, I can feel the heart beats of an 18 year old girl who once wore it. Who once dreamed in it, who once bowed in it, who once dined in it, who once danced in it.  The same eighteen year old girl who swallowed sorrow and hummed tunes of starry nights. The same eighteen year old girl who fell for a boy born in May. The same girl who turned 19, then 20, then 21. The same girl who gave mirth and blithe, and turned into a woman.  The same girl who passed years tickling underarms, and filling kindred air for everyone.

One day, her belly grew, and inside of her belly, I grew.   If it hadn't been for her eyes, or her tresses, or her teeth. If it hadn't been for her misfortunes, and her grief, and her luck. Surely, she wouldn't have a girl wearing her milk white gown. Surely, I would have stayed a fox, and never evolved into a girl.  When attached to the gown, grooves of eeriness and enchantment tickle my spine. The same dress fit my mother, at the same age, in the same day light. 

Love you Ma.

On Wednesday evening, I joined the fashionable folk at the exclusive opening of H&M.   The entire evening was sprinkled in bliss.  I spent 5 pm, sipping gin, and giggling over steamed veggies with flower girl Adelaide. After merry talk, and merry eyes, we read our fortune cookies. Mine said, "You will travel many places."

By 6 pm, we pardoned our bill, and hurried our bodies to the store. It felt like I was stepping into a club. I had to tell my name, and they confirmed I was on the guest list.    As I walked into the store, my eyes began to wander... Frocks, delicate lace, porcelain hues.  When I'm adding clothes to my closet, I set my eyes for H&M. Their tags are charming, and reasonably priced. And to date, my collection of H&M attire has never bent, broken, or decayed.

The night was stirred in bubbly refreshments, finger foods, and lively music.  Unfortunately, the steamed veggies + gin took away my belly eyes, so I didn't taste any treats. But they looked toothsome.

The sugar of the evening was seeing all the plums from Calgary Fashion, and friend flowers whom I adore.
Deepest appreciation for the core downtown, and h&m. I'm already mulling and plotting a future visit.

Now it's time for rest, hot cocoa, and poetry sipping before the free people event in the morn.

Hugs, and wishes for healthy things x

what i wore
milk white gown- mom's grad dress 1970's
flower band- new york flea market $13


  1. wow you look stunning! xx

  2. WOow so not only the initial "white milk" evocation sounds uber tasty BUT the way this immaculate finery emphasizes your bare shoulders' majesty (absolutely) does not fail to be utterly sensuous too Dear Amy !!!
    ps: I really appreciate this affective transfert idea, an altruistic way to adorn clothes on a soulful vibrancy, far beyond their superficial material reality . . .

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  3. Tracy15.4.11

    Amy this blog post is absolutely incredible. Everything about it is perfect. From the stupendous writing to the marvelous pictures. And how honored I am to have you wear my grad your dress:) The parallel in time is amazing...was I once 18, was I once that small? Nonetheless, I am so happy to see you at this perfect time in your life, enjoying and sharing each and every precious moment. Much <3<3<3

  4. Anonymous15.4.11

    I love your photographs, I love the aspect of purity that seeps from them! You look so happy also in your pictures with your friends.

  5. Wow you look amazing, such a perfect post. I love your blog Amy (: xo

  6. Anonymous15.4.11

    beautiful dress :)

  7. Anonymous15.4.11

    that dress is amazing x

  8. You look unbelievably stunning. All of the photos are so gorgeous. I love that the dress is your mother's. That just makes it that much more beautiful. :) It's simple yet so lovely and elegant! Getting to attend the H&M opening sounds like a neat experience as well. All of the fabulous clothes! I would so be drooling, haha. :D

  9. Looks like you had fun! Cute outfit & I am loving that floral headband adds to the great boho/hippie vibe!

    xxo from your friend Baz in Syd, Australia

  10. Amy, Amy, Amy.
    This is amazing. You are amazing.

    Much love

  11. This dress is breathtaking on you! You look like an angel! XOXO,

  12. looks like you had an amazing night at h&m's exclusive opening. also, love that dress on you!

  13. Great post Amy! Love the photo collages of the event.

    Loved that dress on you. So special that it was your mom's grad dress. You looked lovely.

    What a fun night. I'm glad we got to hang out a little. Looking forward to Fabricated. :)

  14. Anonymous15.4.11

    You are perfect poetry princess

  15. Anonymous15.4.11

    aww darling Im such a fan of your blog...your mom's graduation dress is beautiful!


  16. This is such a gorgeous collection of photos. Love the beautiful dress.

  17. Thankyou for following and stopping by my blog! Your is incredible, you are very talented! I'm following :)
    Love, Maria xxx

  18. you look lovely!
    xx Allie

  19. Pretty photos. Just perfect for spring.

  20. You look so ethereal in that dress, I love how it has a history behind it too.
    You also slightly remind me of Florence Welch!

  21. FLAWLESS SHOTS! Your Ma is amaziiiiiing!!! I'll say it again, you are a vision in white! That dress should be a part of the Conscious Collection, lovey! See ya later x

  22. You are so amazingly beautiful! I just found your blog! I wish I found it way sooner!! :(

    Monique xx

  23. Your outfit is very pretty! x

  24. You look absolutely stunning! The dress is amazing - how special that it was your mom's. The floral crown is perfection as well and your writing is beautiful. Thanks so much for your comment. Especially b/c it lead me back to your blog, which is quite lovely indeed:)

  25. what a lovely dress to have passed down to you x.x.x
    Casie Jean

  26. I wish my mom had great vintage clothes to steal...I only have christmas sweaters and and boxy jackets to choose from. ick. You look so sweet in that dress, and let me just embarrass you and tell you how pretty you write. I loved reading it, and "sugar plum kisses"- yea I'm stealing that phrase. :)

  27. Anonymous16.4.11

    You are so lucky your mom wore nice dresses! My moms dress was yellow and poofy, wont go into detail haha, love your blog

  28. Anonymous16.4.11

    oh and have fun at the free people party ! TOTALLY JEALOUS

  29. Anonymous16.4.11

    oh and have fun at the free people party ! TOTALLY JEALOUS

  30. The dress is absolutely beautiful...thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog...and I love that your mom comments on yours ;) Have an awesome weekend!

  31. I looooooove this dress!! So pretty!

  32. your dress is a dream <3

    love the pics!

  33. WOW you write beautifully. Your words match your look. Thanks for following my blog. I'm your follower :-)


    Fashion Nostalgia

  34. Very nice photos! You look absolutely beautiful!!

  35. i love your blog, vintage and looks feminime :)
    beautiful dress from your mommy! <3

  36. your dress is so gorgeous and ethereal

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  37. amazing pics, like your dress

  38. WOW..this dress is stunning. you look like a goddess. Love it. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting. I am following you. Your blog is amazing. Visit me again soon

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  39. First, thank you so much for your sweet comment :)
    You write beautifully, the things you said about your mother are darling and that dress suits you amazingly! My favourite vintage is the one that belonged to my family and so the sentiment of wearing that dress that was once worn by your mum on such a special day must be overwhelming. Also I think it'd make a great wedding dress too :)

  40. Beautiful dress ! Good to discover your blog ! Thanks for visiting mine !

  41. aww beautiful outfit! :)


  42. Ohhh, how much I love these photos in the white gown of your mom! beautiful!

  43. wow this is very pretty <3 luf.


  44. Your outfit it's simply fab! Love your hair, and the lightning it's perfect! You go girl
    xoxo Kiki

  45. You look absolutely stunning, I love your blog and I'm your new follower :)

  46. gosh this is beautiful, you look so stunning and breathtaking amy! this dress is just you all over, love it. xo

  47. thanx for the comment :)
    awesome blog, really nice dress, love it!
    i'm following

  48. Your blog is amazing, i'm following, please follow my blog! :)

  49. Such a darling dress! I love how it was your mom's grad dress.

  50. You look gorgeous! I love your headpiece as well! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  51. That dress is absolutely amazing!
    love you blog :)


  52. How can you be always so adorable?

    How are you, darling?
    hope everything's ok...

    love from madrid!

  53. It's really neat how a dress from the 70's can be recycled into a modern wardrobe. I remember seeing almost an identical dress on H&M's website a little over a month ago. With that being said, you look absolutely stunning in this dress. You're truly beautiful!

  54. you look lovely, and i love what you wrote about your mom, thats so sweet. i hope you let her read that :)

  55. thank you for your comment, amy! my blog is still fairly new so i really appreciate it.

    i actually read your interview in the Femme magazine by Bisous Mon Amour! i love your blog, and your clothes :)

  56. that dress is beautiful - you look gorge xxxx

  57. oh my, the dress is just amazingly gorgeous...<3 and you just look so beautiful in it...

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  58. This is such a lovely post, the dress is beautiful! xxx

  59. gorgeous photos!!! you look beautiful, and the gown is just amazing! :)

  60. Totally in love with your dress!

  61. Officially IN LOVE with your blog! So adorable and your style is perfect. The white dress looks fabulous on you!

    Xo Chelle

  62. u are pretty !
    if u want follow me and write comment ;*

  63. the event looks like a blast. i adore that chic hippie dress, and it looks so pretty on you!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  64. Anonymous19.4.11

    Thank you for your beautiful comment, this post was a real delight to read :) your pictures are just as beautiful as your words - & I'm ever so jealous of your hair! A gorgeous, gorgeous blog :) xx

  65. beautiful post!! your dress is amazing!! x Raman

  66. Wow your whole look is so whimsical and beautiful. Totally boho 1970s chic. I looooove it.

  67. I swoon at lines like "the sun was legless" a surprising mix that I adore. Mother's clothing worn by offspring is an unbreakable bond. exquisite dress. so billowly and lovely.

  68. I adore that dress, it looks gorgeous on you... oh my goodness, I wish my mom would have kept her clothes from her college years! and I have that h&m dress your holding :) heeeee.

  69. you are absolutly amazing in this dress.
    xoxo law

  70. I'm so excited to be a part of this incredible post. My darling, I had such a great time that night and you always look like an angel. I have a magical surprise coming to you in the mail ;)

  71. What a perfect dress. It's safe to say you (and your momma) have spectacular style. Like, like!

  72. Anonymous20.5.11

    Nice cloth,nice blog,thank you for your sharing.intersting for me to read it,weclome to vist my blog website,many thanks.

  73. I am obsessed with this outfit!! So chic and you look beautiful as always :) yay for Easter decor- I want to put mine up soon! Hope you're having a great week!

  74. I love these beautiful spring looks! The lace coverup is my favorite! I am also in need of a clothing overhaul. You look fabulous!UpdateLand

  75. Love your photo shoot and your dresses melody style. Mind blowing capturing all the things. White dresses is also attention able.

  76. Hi!!
    Love your post. It's really amazing & helpful too. I like the way you explained everything, kind of example you used. By sharing this amazing post, you have solved my styling problem. Keep sharing :)
    Thank You & Regards

    bluehost black friday

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  78. Definitely your colour! Mine would be dark green, sort of bluey dark green. Same colour as my eyes and it makes the colour of my eyes pop! I've never hears of this stort but will have a look for sure. Its really hard for me to find clothes in Yunnan!

    Harold Burton

  79. It's a lovely dress, and the color is phenomenal. I love all kinds of pinks and corals, so this is right up my alley. I think my color is definitely orange-y coral.. Hard to describe it, although I'm sure it has a name.
    Joseph Donahue

  80. I love these outfits! I have to go for the longer shorts so you will see me in those with my trusty celebrity sunglasses to hide my tired eyes :-) Also, can we put a mojito in there somewhere? Yay summer!
    Kelly Hubbard

  81. Impossible to pick my favorite out of these three looks, love them all :) Have a great weekend!

    Holly Hooper

  82. Anonymous1.2.23

    This is such a cute look and I adore those heels.
    Paul Brown
