Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. Swiftly going to lands unknown. We are like the wind.

You're something special.
A special kind of world.
A special kind of blender.
Mincing my heart, and
mixing with it cotton ball
dream clouds and dirt.
My ears rang of a serenity My face had never known My body wanted to be a bird I wanted to burn the sky like a star, My lips wanted to spit the words of a song. Now my lazy feet have a found a place to belong.

The electricity from the sun, Lit where I laid. Reminds me of how long we've been In the shade.
Shackles hold this house, Together. They bend in the rain. If it wasn't for the weather, We'd never know pain.

Outfit photos tomorrow!