Do you remember how small your body was when you were 5?

If the weather was food, it would be a delicious gold encrusted apple falling from the most beautiful of apple trees. In other words, the weather is very very nice. I am writing to you in my sunny-filled living room. Still, in my pajamas, haired pulled back, coffee in hand, haven't showered, but I feel complete.

I look outside to see a blue sky, and two puppies fighting in the melting snow. It's the city, spring is screaming, and I am dancing. I can't remember the last time I felt this good. The universe is big, and bold, and beautiful to me.

Music is playing in my ear. When I hear the lyricism, it makes me see gauzy stars, and feel a summer breeze. It makes my eyes wander. Makes my mind wonder. Is music written or discovered? For every poet, and every song writer, is there a hidden song in the depths of their mind waiting to be found? Or does a pen, paper, a guitar in hand, create new melodies, and new words? I know some people hear music in their heads, and then write it down. I've noticed that sometimes as I fall asleep, I can hear music, pianos guitars cellos, it's like I'm listening to a quiet radio, humming me to dream. I wish I could record, or create what I hear, and share it with those who don't hear it. What do you know of me? I'm weird.

I'm romanticizing a trip. Somewhere near the ocean. I feel like digging my toes into the sand, and watching sail boats pass underneath a pink sky. I am a born traveler. Like a bird in a cage, I long to fly. Fly to places with waters, mountains, colors, people, history. One day, One day..

Life is like a person in a boat. Aboard the boat, one uses a sail, holds a tiller, poles the boat along. Yet the boat carries you and without the boat you are not there. Riding the boat is what makes it a boat. You must study and penetrate this very moment. In this moment, the whole world is this boat. Thus "life" is what I live and "I" is life living me. Getting aboard the boat, this body mind and all that is around are all the complete activity of the boat. Both the whole world and the vast sky are the boat's complete activity. This I that lives and the life that is I is just like this.

I believe we are all beautiful, and special. Like sun, and rain at the same time.
I am happy.
My thoughts are scattered.
It's driving me crazy, but
Still, I am happy.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night"

I'm reading Romeo and Juliet, with red lips, there's a candle burning by my side. I feel like I'm in some sort of romantic literature, drinking in a soliloquy, and the scent of cinnamon. It's amusing to me how easily you can become the characters in whatever book your reading. "It's strange because sometimes, I read a book, and I think I am the people in the book."

This outfit makes me feel glamorous. The black dress, cinched with a glitter french connection belt, sets me into a mood of dancing, french wine and cheese. The best costumes are those that make you feel like stopping traffic, or make you feel like screaming "I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful, because I am meeememememe"
Tomorrow, I'm headed to heritage park for the day. It's nice to live in a city where exploring is just part of daily living. Saturday, no plans. I don't need plans! Spontaneity is not a bad way to live. Hope it's sunny where you are.

If the weather was food, it would be a delicious gold encrusted apple falling from the most beautiful of apple trees. In other words, the weather is very very nice. I am writing to you in my sunny-filled living room. Still, in my pajamas, haired pulled back, coffee in hand, haven't showered, but I feel complete.

I look outside to see a blue sky, and two puppies fighting in the melting snow. It's the city, spring is screaming, and I am dancing. I can't remember the last time I felt this good. The universe is big, and bold, and beautiful to me.

Music is playing in my ear. When I hear the lyricism, it makes me see gauzy stars, and feel a summer breeze. It makes my eyes wander. Makes my mind wonder. Is music written or discovered? For every poet, and every song writer, is there a hidden song in the depths of their mind waiting to be found? Or does a pen, paper, a guitar in hand, create new melodies, and new words? I know some people hear music in their heads, and then write it down. I've noticed that sometimes as I fall asleep, I can hear music, pianos guitars cellos, it's like I'm listening to a quiet radio, humming me to dream. I wish I could record, or create what I hear, and share it with those who don't hear it. What do you know of me? I'm weird.

I'm romanticizing a trip. Somewhere near the ocean. I feel like digging my toes into the sand, and watching sail boats pass underneath a pink sky. I am a born traveler. Like a bird in a cage, I long to fly. Fly to places with waters, mountains, colors, people, history. One day, One day..

Life is like a person in a boat. Aboard the boat, one uses a sail, holds a tiller, poles the boat along. Yet the boat carries you and without the boat you are not there. Riding the boat is what makes it a boat. You must study and penetrate this very moment. In this moment, the whole world is this boat. Thus "life" is what I live and "I" is life living me. Getting aboard the boat, this body mind and all that is around are all the complete activity of the boat. Both the whole world and the vast sky are the boat's complete activity. This I that lives and the life that is I is just like this.

I believe we are all beautiful, and special. Like sun, and rain at the same time.
I am happy.
My thoughts are scattered.
It's driving me crazy, but
Still, I am happy.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night"

I'm reading Romeo and Juliet, with red lips, there's a candle burning by my side. I feel like I'm in some sort of romantic literature, drinking in a soliloquy, and the scent of cinnamon. It's amusing to me how easily you can become the characters in whatever book your reading. "It's strange because sometimes, I read a book, and I think I am the people in the book."

This outfit makes me feel glamorous. The black dress, cinched with a glitter french connection belt, sets me into a mood of dancing, french wine and cheese. The best costumes are those that make you feel like stopping traffic, or make you feel like screaming "I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful, because I am meeememememe"
Tomorrow, I'm headed to heritage park for the day. It's nice to live in a city where exploring is just part of daily living. Saturday, no plans. I don't need plans! Spontaneity is not a bad way to live. Hope it's sunny where you are.
XOXO kissses to you !
dress- value village $3
boots- value village $10
belt- french connection $7