shake the leaves off the trees, watch them float down the street.

As I type this, I'm sitting at the top of the balcony in my new house. I'm looking down onto our future living room and dreaming of paint, pastels, and picnics. I cannot wait until we make this house into a home. This white house puts my spirits into a mood of optimism and delight.

I have a plethora of photographs, I know I promised I'd take less, but make one last exception will you? I have been so enthusiastic about the new house that these hands have been happy to take pictures every second possible. Since there are so many photographs, I'll save the conversation for later. We're still not fully settled , we have to go(regretfully) back to Grande Prairie tomorrow to pack the rest of our belongings. It's going to be a long, long, loooonnnng week. I am so looking forward to the day that I can be the slothful, carefree, and lazy Amy that I used to be! xoxoxoxo kiss kiss :) cheeeerie cheerioooo o

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hat; value village $3
dress; value villagee $5
blue blouse; H&M $20
shoesies; winners $50

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dress; winners $11
blazer; pelican cove/thrifted $5
boots; value village $10


  1. some gorgeous photos there hon - you are such a natural beauty!
    it just takes a little long for all your photos to upload for me.. maybe you could try some thumbnails?
    glad to hear everything is wonderful

  2. Anonymous9.5.09

    you look pretty so pretty

  3. i saved your first picture =) it's so inspiring to me.

  4. I'm equally enamored with your outfits as I am with the photos themselves! These are amazing photographs of you and you look especially gorgeous in the self-portrait.

    I also love the blazer!

  5. the first picture of you on the floor is soooooooo cute!!!!!!

    You always look amazing and you kill it at VV- i love getting your bloglovin' post update ;)

    I love the feeling of a new house....and makes it a home ;)

    I wish those carefree days were still within my reach, but unfortunately they have come and gone, before i even realized they were over lol!

  6. Anonymous9.5.09

    I love your dress, and tights. I also love the belt you wore.

  7. adorable!!! <3
    LOVE these outfits, the shoes in the first outfit are ammmazing! and i can't pick which i like best in the other outfit because i like all of it!

  8. You are too adorable and your photos are so much fun, so candid and so gorgeous! A new house is always so full of promise and potential.

    I love the music on your blog too!

  9. you 're SO cute, those last pics are amazing, and your eyes are sooo beautiful <3

    i'm adding your blog to my blogroll!

  10. you are so pretty girl! i love your outfits and i know for a fact you look great in denim! in response to your comment on my blog! shun shun miss!

    also read your post below - chin up dear..i hate feeling sad too but just need to push through it..good things will come if you stay positive! you are gorgeous inside and out so don't forget it :)

    xxx bel

  11. just stumbled onto your blog and I like it :)

  12. you're photos are so cute, and your value village hat is kickass, i have a thing for summer hats at the moment, its maybe going to turn into a slight obesession!!! :-D

  13. aha I love the ones of you lying on the floor!
    enjoy your new digsss, love. x

    P.S. I love the photo overload :)

  14. I wish we had a vallue village in england, you style the old things really well into the new. I am glad you like your new house :)

  15. love the pictures! I don't mind that you have so many pictures, I love looking at all of them!

  16. those clothes on you is so cute

  17. Anonymous10.5.09

    loooooooooooove your blog, it's a new must read for me.


  18. woooo!!! thank god you commented on my blog or else I wouldnt have discovered yours!!!
    amazing clothes and photos and song, and atmosphere!!!
    I am following you definately!!!

  19. your outfits are incredibles! and you are so beautifull
    i like so mucho your blog!

  20. Absolutely love the outfit in the second batch of pics. The white lace is so pretty!:)

  21. you are to cute to handle
    i am loving the outfits!!!!

  22. Anonymous10.5.09

    Well, now I have to take some pictures on the ground like that because that is SO cute!

    I can't even decide which outfit I like better... but I like that you have lots of pictures!

  23. i will die for your white dress. so classy.

  24. Fabulous outfits! And cute photos! (:

  25. SO cute! I love your outfit.

  26. Anonymous11.5.09

    you are perfect. your style is perfect too. =) = )

  27. u're beautiful;D love ur blog and blazer;)))

  28. Anonymous11.5.09

    i've ssaid this before and so have so many others but can i have your hair pwease hehehehe

  29. thanks for visiting my blog! gorgeous photos :)

  30. wow great pictures here! i love the one of you in that hat, its so cute!


  31. wow, you are gorgeous! love your style and how open your room is, and thank you so much for the incredibly nice commet you left, it definatly left a smile on our faces :)

    the crumpet girls

  32. Anonymous12.5.09

    i love your sun hat, cant wait to see it in future posts of yours. xx

  33. I love the aesthetics of these photos. Everything, from the composition to the clothing is spot-on. Very mood-inducing, even if I'm not sure what mood they make me feel yet ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  34. Amy, you look very happy as always! And you look so pretty on your closeup shots. And what a pretty room, I'm trying to make mine pretty too.
    But there's a problem im sharing my room with my sister, lucky you!

  35. oh girl you are very pretty and i adore both dresses, they are fab!

  36. your hat is very cute!! and your home looks lovely.

  37. Anonymous12.5.09

    me and my friends love your blog

  38. your photos are great. your just adorable :)

  39. Hi
    How are you? Are you still going to do a new outfit with your saddle shoes?

  40. Anonymous13.5.09

    you look amazing :)i love the outfits..x

  41. Love the white dress and boots look! So cute! Thanks for the comment :)

  42. you look so beautiful!! that dress is so you!!
    loooved you hair!! haha

  43. What a cute hat and cute boots.. You're so gorgeous! Also, I love that your mattress is right on the ground (at least I think it is, from what I can see)

    wow i was a bit speechless when i saw those pics esp. the close ups of ur beautiful face
    i hate moving houses.i hope u will be able to relax soon and feel at home!:D
    take care x

  45. you look beautiful! moving is always stressful, but so worth it in the end! your room looks liek it will be lovely

  46. I really like the way your pastel/uncluttered new living's frame majestically sublimates your natural "sparklingness" !!!
    ps: You're very "bucolic feline escaped from the enchanting Seventies " with your hat . . .

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  47. So beautiful you and the house! Love it!!!!!

    Kisses and hugs sweetie!!!

  48. hey I can't seem to find the comment you sent me about the effects you used for your cloud photos...if you could, I would love to know. thanks!!

  49. Anonymous16.5.09

    love your style, i look forward to you being settled down so that you can post more often. x

  50. i really like your bangs! you pull them off very well

  51. cool! cool! cool! can I say cool again please lolzzz

  52. you really gorgeousss...
    may i link yours?
    or exchange?

  53. i just discovered your blog and, i must say, i'm glad i did. you have such great style and photos!
